Innovative Passive Income Blog

AdSense Revenue Share Revealed - Good Move for Passive Income Publishers

Google has finally come clean and revealed the revenue split on their two most popular Adsense products. See the post here. Inside AdSense: The AdSense revenue share 68% of revenue, worldwide goes to Content publishers. Adsense for search pays 51% of revenue to the referring site. A clarification part way down explains that the revenue split is the same for ALL publishers regardless of size or location in the world.

The publisher gets 68% of what the advertiser pays and Google gets 32% for putting the parties together and serving the ads.

My take is that this is very fair. The split for contextual ads is well within line compared to competing ad networks. The lower percent for search (still better than 1/2) is fair considering that absent the search box on a site the visitor is going to use the Google box on their browser anyway and the publisher gets nothing if they do that.

I am pleased to see the transparency. This should reduce the speculation considerably.

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