Innovative Passive Income Blog

5 Ways to Create A Successful Niche Business (repost)

Too many business owners fish in the widest and deepest pools' trying to be all things to all people. Offering a broad range of products and services to a broad audience and never really create the waves that lead to tremendous profits. By positioning yourself at the top of a smaller, well defined pool (or niche) you will set your business apart from the competition and create a profitable business.

Here are five proven ways to create a profitable niche business.

1.Define Your Market

Research the needs and challenges of your target audience and capitalize on those needs. Understand the community and develop solutions that appeal to a specific group. For example - Understanding Social media in Small Business is a need of the small business community, a niche market would be to develop a product or service that teach small business owners how to use social media in their business.

Innovative Extra Income Ideas (repost)

I am reposting a decent article found on Article Enjoy.

Author: John Yeo

Human being mind is strange – it only see what it wants to. Looking at a picture with a particular approach will reflect the particular mind set on it. In case you are positive about some thing, your mind will highlight every thing positive about it and in case you are negative regarding an activity the mind would highlight the negatives. It is up to you whether you are restricting your mindset or mind to become a master in it. The same is the story of the passive money making opportunities.

Do Just About Anything You Want Legally

Where ever we live, we are subject to laws, rules and regulations. Sure, some law or rules are needed for the proper running of society - or so we are taught to think.  Does the world have to work this way?

Arranging complete personal freedom is very possible when you  consider yourself to be self governed and a citizen of earth. With this attitude you start to see the place you are at as a place to stay temporarily. You are a guest who can choose to move on to another part of the world to pursue your desired lifestyle.

Pick your PathThere is considerable variance in the rules, laws and regulations of the various jurisdictions of the world. Regardless of what activity you want to engage in, there is somewhere that activity is legal, desirable, and maybe even rewarded.

You can start by doing some of the things on this list, or dream up your own things to do and figure out where to do them.  I am not advocating anything here - other then trying to make you think about the possibilities by using some extreme examples.

===Drive As Fast As You Want===

Go to Germany and rent a nice powerful BMW. Get out on the 12,174 km of Autobahnen and put the pedal to the metal on the third largest highway system in the world. At highspeed it won't take long to see the whole country.

Caution: there are still traffic laws to follow, like "don't stop on the highway or you can go to jail for up to 5 years". Actually with the other drivers coming so fast, going to jail for stopping is only really a concern if you survive being rear ended at 150 miles per hour

Read on for more ideas.

New Year is Coming - No More Writer Procrastination

I made an earlier post on creating passive income through Constant Content.  Here is a follow up since I found a great little article designed to get you off your butt.    If you are a Constent Content writer who is frustrated at not earning enough cash, this article is a good resource.  If you are a good writer that does not know about Constant Content then get with the program and join now.  Procrastination never made anyone any money.

If you need more encouragement, read my other article on how to earn passive income writing.

May your income increase and your articles bear fruit in the new year.

Check out the Unique Silver at Copper at the Copper Cave

Are Blogs a Passive Income Source?

There is some significant debate in the passive income community over the passiveness of blog income.  In general, my view is that blogging is not a real passive income source.  Blogs take effort to manage and require new posts to attract traffic.

This blog is not designed to generate passive income (or much income for that matter).  Rather it is intended to provide a place for discussions and networking.  It will provide a place to flesh out ideas and try concepts.

There are some aspects of blogging that can be passive income oriented though.

1.  Old blog posts can still attract traffic.  A Google search proves that - try Googling something and add the word blog.  Chances are some of the top sites will be inactive or dead blogs. There must be millions of dead blogs out there and some are still earning adsense revenue and maybe affiliate link revenue.  However, a dead blog can not be expected to consistently or perpetually earn income.

Interesting Links (Copper, Nickel, Silver Bullion and Much More) (World Coins and Money)

Invest in Copper!
Keep your investments close at hand.
Buy copper coins, bars, and ingots.  Visit the Copper Cave!

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What This Blog is NOT About.

This blog IS NOT about stupid, risky, or impractical ways to get rich quick.  It is about exploring sound business ideas and concepts to earn passive income.  I posted this article debunking some of the crazy get rich schemes.
How to Get Rich (or Not)  Hope you enjoy the humor and see the point.

The 4 Hour Work Week Reviewed

The 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss has become "a must" have text for the 2.0 Web Entrepreneur.

The brand new hardcover edition features 100 pages of new meaty content. Learn how to focus your efforts on income producing activities. Farriss is a strong advocate of outsourcing everything you can to companies and individuals that are experts and then coordinating them to create, market and deliver a product.  

I found this book contains lots of resources and good step by step explanations of all the key concepts. If you are serious about making passive income and you don't own a copy - you really need to get one.

How to Profit From a Relationship with Tiger Woods - In 10 Easy Steps

Did you tame Tiger?  Profit from it!   Since this blog is partly about making money in unconventional ways, this article might be of interest to readers.  Hope you like satire.
How to Profit From a Relationship with Tiger Woods - In 10 Easy Steps

Sell Blog Posts and On Line Writing

For bloggers who enjoy writing blog posts or articles, did you know you can actually get paid (again) for doing what you enjoy?  My research on how to make money writing online lead to several good places to submit writing to, but the best for selling blog posts and online articles is by far and away Constant Content.

What is Constant Content

Constant-Content is an online consignment store for written work.  Authors can write on any topic they like and submit the work to Constant-Content for review.  Accepted work gets posted up for buyers to see.  Sometimes it sells right away, other times the articles need to sit and wait for the right buyer.  Experienced writers in the forum, and the editors, report that 90% of articles sell eventually

There are a few great features that set Constant Content apart from other content providers.

Invest in Real Estate - A Little at Time

While looking around for interesting ideas I came across an article about Malaysians investing in cemetery lots as a hedge against inflation and for profit.  Intrigued, I did some more research and discovered there is a very quiet but very active industry of unused cemetery plot investors.

Yes, it sounds a little crazy but think about it. Cemetery plots are:

Free Gold Offer

I like gold - who doesn't?  But I don't wear gold, I invest in gold because I believe it is one of the best ways to protect from coming inflation.  I also write articles about investing in gold like this one on How to Invest in Gold Bullion Online.

While researching for the Investing in Gold Bullion Online article I discovered a company offering a free gram of gold to let you test out their services.  I signed up and poked around.  Sure enough I was credited a free gram of gold and some cash.  To keep the free gold you need to fund the account within a reasonable time, but the free gold is definitely yours to keep if you want it.   I think it is pretty nice to get $40 of value for checking out

Profit from Canadian AIR MILES Reward Miles

For Canadians, the AIR MILES Reward program is the largest most successful multi-sponsor shopping reward program there is.  I like to figure out the angles - hence the concept for this blog.  Did you know you can actually turn a profit shopping?


In this blog I intend to explore various ways to invest, make money, and create passive income opportunities. I hope you enjoy what we can discover together and I welcome your comments.