Innovative Passive Income Blog

Sell Blog Posts and On Line Writing

For bloggers who enjoy writing blog posts or articles, did you know you can actually get paid (again) for doing what you enjoy?  My research on how to make money writing online lead to several good places to submit writing to, but the best for selling blog posts and online articles is by far and away Constant Content.

What is Constant Content

Constant-Content is an online consignment store for written work.  Authors can write on any topic they like and submit the work to Constant-Content for review.  Accepted work gets posted up for buyers to see.  Sometimes it sells right away, other times the articles need to sit and wait for the right buyer.  Experienced writers in the forum, and the editors, report that 90% of articles sell eventually

There are a few great features that set Constant Content apart from other content providers.

Constant Content seeks Quality over Quantity.  Very high editorial standards mean that only work that is grammatically perfect, contains no spelling errors, and reads well gets accepted.  This is a big advantage because content buyers know they will get high quality work, and the writers get paid really well for the quality.

It is not a bidding site so there is no need to be the low bid for jobs.  The writer sets the price including an option to allow Best Offers.

The site staff really connect with the writers and customers.  They answer questions and address concerns quickly and professionally.  There is a very helpful author forum as well.

The other great thing is the steady steam of customers requesting specific articles.  Authors with writers block or just interested in the chance to make some quick cash can submit content to match the requests.  Approved articles are sent to the buyer for review and hopefully purchase. If the requester does not buy, the article goes to the author's library for sale in the future.

The sale price is split 35% to the site and 65% to the author.  This might seem high but remember that the site provides the market, editorial review, collects the money, and pays you every month.

Payment is by Paypal and the current minimum payout is just $5 (might as well be zero!)

Some Profitable Ways to Use Constant Content

1.  Write and submit SEO articles and SEO blog posts that you believe there is a market for.

2.  Write for specific "Public Requests" that appear on Constant Content.

3.  Submit articles and blog posts that you already wrote and own all the rights to.  Just be sure to only offer the content for "Usage Rights" which means non-exclusive use.

4.  Earn repeat passive income by offering articles for Usage Rights at an attractive price.

5.  Refer good authors you know to Constant Content and earn 5% of their earnings out of the site's side of the sale price (no cost to you the writer at all). Since you got the idea from me, please click on my referral link if you are really interested in checking it out.

Warning. Constant Content has very high standards.  They require that you self-proof read your work until it is flawless.  If you submit substandard work it will be rejected.  Submit crap three times and you may be banned for life.  Carefully read all the submission guidelines and look through the forum before submitting articles to be successful.

For more ideas on making passive income writing online check out this article:  How to Earn Passive Income Writing 
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