Innovative Passive Income Blog

Do Just About Anything You Want Legally

Where ever we live, we are subject to laws, rules and regulations. Sure, some law or rules are needed for the proper running of society - or so we are taught to think.  Does the world have to work this way?

Arranging complete personal freedom is very possible when you  consider yourself to be self governed and a citizen of earth. With this attitude you start to see the place you are at as a place to stay temporarily. You are a guest who can choose to move on to another part of the world to pursue your desired lifestyle.

Pick your PathThere is considerable variance in the rules, laws and regulations of the various jurisdictions of the world. Regardless of what activity you want to engage in, there is somewhere that activity is legal, desirable, and maybe even rewarded.

You can start by doing some of the things on this list, or dream up your own things to do and figure out where to do them.  I am not advocating anything here - other then trying to make you think about the possibilities by using some extreme examples.

===Drive As Fast As You Want===

Go to Germany and rent a nice powerful BMW. Get out on the 12,174 km of Autobahnen and put the pedal to the metal on the third largest highway system in the world. At highspeed it won't take long to see the whole country.

Caution: there are still traffic laws to follow, like "don't stop on the highway or you can go to jail for up to 5 years". Actually with the other drivers coming so fast, going to jail for stopping is only really a concern if you survive being rear ended at 150 miles per hour

Read on for more ideas.

===Have as Many Wives as You Want===

While getting married while you are already married is seriously frowned upon in the USA and many other countries, it is perfectly legal in most Muslim dominated countries.

To take advantage of the opportunity to marry multiple wives you might want to convert and move to a place like Indonesia, Malaysia, or Iran which allow 4 wives at a time. Other countries dispense with those arbitrary limits completely. So, go wife shopping if that makes you happy.

Alternatively, move to a Fundamentalist Church of Latter-day Saints community right here in the USA and start doing celestial marriages (they don't involve messy legal paperwork for a divorce either).

Caution: Your wives might not like each other (or you) if you are not careful. Many men have trouble keeping one wife happy, so you better practice perfecting your treatment of wife number one before trying for second and third ones.


Definitely a no-no in the USA, killing is a crime around the world - except if you can get paid for it. Join any number of private military companies and work in places like Iraq, Columbia, or Afghanistan. They prove good compensation, weapons and training. A military (especially special forces) background is helpful to get these jobs.

Caution: Expect that someone will try to kill you in return. Expect nightmares, guilt, and a potentially altered personality.  Luckily you'll only need to worry about these troubles if you survive to tell about your adventures.

===Forget Paying Taxes===

Give up your American Citizenship, pay the exist taxes, and move somewhere with no taxes at all.  You can take your pick of many warm sunny places.  Just imagine not even filing a tax return!

To just stop paying some taxes for a while, go to any number of sale tax free shopping meccas.

Caution: If you can afford to get out there is NO downside to this, except the increased possibility of a sunburn or consuming too many fruity drinks.

Tips and Warnings
  • Be creative and figure out what you really want to do, then find a way and a place to do it.

  • Don't go doing something illegal - be sure to follow the laws that apply to you.

  • The author (and many others) do not advocate doing anything in this article. The point is to get you thinking about how your life is arranged.

    Original Article is found here.

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